Here you’ll find a range of resources to help you start to rethink overhead costs. From the latest reports to self-assessment tools, there’s everything you need to get started.
Each tool has been tagged and can be sorted via the tags below.
A Fundraisers’s Guide To Impactful Partnerships
A short guide to help you as a fundraiser understand where you are in your journey and the tools you can use to reframe overhead costs.
A Funder’s Guide To Impactful Partnerships
A short guide to help you as a funder understand the importance of overhead cost and how to create more impactful partnerships.
Pay What It Takes: Information
Information on the Pay What It Takes (PWIT) initiative, including key findings and messages.
Self-Assessment For Funders
Reflective tool for assessing PWIT organisational culture, structure, practices, and leadership in funding organisations.
Self-Assessment For For-Purpose Organisations
Reflective tool for assessing PWIT organisational culture, structure, practices, and leadership in for-purpose organisations.
Indirect Cost Calculation Guide
Helping funding and for-purpose organisations consider and calculate their indirect costs better.
Transparency & Open Dialogue Guidelines
Guidelines for fostering open, honest, and respectful communication between funders and for-purpose organisations, and developing transparent funding processes.
Values & Principles In-Action
Guidelines for integrating and reflecting on PWIT principles in organisational practices.
Pay What It Takes: Definitions
A list of terms and definitions related to PWIT to support understanding and the adoption of a common language.
Paying What It Takes Report
A detailed report, outlining the need for funding into indirect costs to create long-term impact.
Reframe Overhead: Research Report
A detailed research report with information on insights, research methodology and calls to action.
Reframe Overhead: NFP Guide 2024
A short guide with key facts, language, & practical steps you need to start reframing overhead costs.
This video is a quick intro into why reframing overheads is so important. It’s a great place to start and a great asset to share around your organisation.
CASE STUDY: The Smith Family
The Smith Family are one organisation who are really leading the way in how best to reframe overhead costs. This video gives a practical insight into their approach.
PAY WHAT IT TAKES: New Perspectives Report
New perspectives on applying PWIT principles in Australia.
Case Study: Building Sector Capacity
This case study highlights how the Pay What It Takes approach strengthens the for-purpose sector by prioritising trust, flexibility, and core funding for lasting impact.
Source: Philanthropy Australia
Paying What It Takes: A Board Perspective
Paper prepared by the Pay What It Takes (PWIT) Coalition, led by former Chair Jo Taylor and current Co-Chairs Lisa Allan and Denise Cheng.
Webinar: The Language of Overheads
Explore the research behind reframe overhead recommendations.
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